Fadestar tarot: XIII Death (March/April art trade)(2012 Treasure Hunt)
Mareike Heilemann

Artist note: 2012 Treasure Hunt Clue #3: We were depicted as Death and Dream. Who are we? (Answer: Fadestar and Farscout, in art by Linda A. for the 2010 Comics/Manga AU Contest.) ARTIST'S COMMENT: Contrary to popular understanding, the card Death does not stand for death itself but rather for endings, bringing about a transformation of the person experiencing it. This change can be sudden and resisting it can be painful. I chose Fadestar for this card because she had to undergo several changes in her life but they gave her a chance to grow and change once she learned to embrace them. (For more "RTH Tarot by Mareike", visit the collection.)

Fadestar tarot: XIII Death (March/April art trade)(2012 Treasure Hunt)

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