Return to Dramatis Personae -- Deceased Members of the Tribe. For detailed family-tree information, please visit the River Twine Holt Geneaology page.
Fourth Generation, (0881-1504) M, H=grey, E=brown. Son of Thistle & Sentry, brother of Ice, Recognized of Lacewing, three-way mated with her and Strand; father of Tossfur; possibly father of Newt. This cheerful, stout young elf had far more heart than wit. Rendered deaf by a fever later in life, was a skilled carver and fisher, enjoyed pottery as well. His death followed Lacewing's by six months; he became withdrawn, a shadow of his former self, and his body was eventually discovered covered in beestings.
"Keepsakes" - by Chris T. - 1825.03.18 - Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep.