Return to Dramatis Personae -- Deceased Members of the Tribe. For detailed family-tree information, please visit the River Twine Holt Genealogy page.
Fourth Generation, (1208 - 1778) F, H=black, E=amber. Daughter of Catnip & Stoneback, sister of Agate. Recognized first to Owl (son Raven), and then Recognized of Snaptwig (sons Bearheart and Fletcher). Beesting was a friendly, outgoing soul who was always teased for her sweet-tooth. Athletic and active, disliked being alone. Died in RTH 1778. (art by Holly H.)
"Losing the Game" - by Whitney W. - 1250.01.13 - A young Farscout struggles with his preoccupation with Brightwood…
"Flesh & Blood" - by Joan M. - 1710.10.02 - Upon his brother Riskrunner’s death, everything changes for Windburn.
"Fletcher" - by Whitney W. - 1769.10.24 - Young Fletcher is mortally wounded, leaving Farscout to ask questions without any answers.