Two Gems the Color of the Sky   2205*  
Written By: Adrienne Willis
Little Sparkle ponders two sapphires.
Posted: 07/01/09      [10 Comments]

Mother is working on another wonder today;
A bracelet set with two sapphires.
Two gems the color of the sky;
Two gems that sparkle and glow.

Two gems like Grandmother’s eyes.
Grandmother; so beautiful and wise;
Gentle as the summer breeze,
Yet strong as the rocks themselves.
Mother both to Father and me,
Mother to all the tribe.
Eyes that watch over all,
Yet have a special sparkle always for me.

Two gems the color of the sky;
Two gems that sparkle and glow.

Two gems like Father’s eyes.
Father; so strong and clever!
The best hunter in the tribe,
Who’s not afraid of anything!
Who likes everyone in the tribe,
But loves me most of all.
Eyes that always sparkle with laughter,
But glow brightest when they look at me.

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