The Rockshaper of Greenstone Mountain   2510.11.15*  
Written By: Matt Di Carlo
(2012 Treasure Hunt) After hearing a scary story from Crackle, Glow runs to her mother, who thinks it’s a good time to one-up her.
Posted: 09/09/12      [12 Comments]

Collections that include this story:
And Whether Fish Have Noses
2012 Treasure Hunt
Daydreams of Death

2012 TREASURE HUNT CLUE #9: The Bukno-Baha have a decent hunting range. What is the farthest north (nearest major landmarks) that they are known to frequent on the mainland? (Answer: They range as far north and east as the Greenstone Mountain and the shores of Sky Mirror Lake.)

Glow ran swiftly into the room where Chicory was working on weaving the basket in her lap; the young cub’s face was a mixture of fright and excitement.

“Is it true? Is it true?”

“Is what true, Glow?” Chicory asked, allowing her hands to continue their work as she raised her glance to her daughter.

“The Rockshaper of Greenstone Mountain! Crackle says now’s the time of year where he comes down from the mountain get his ‘dastardly revenge’ on the people who trapped him there, and we’re right in his way!”v Chicory chuckled softly and put down her basket, taking the young cub up in her arms.

“Dastardly revenge?”

“That’s what she said! She told me all about it, and it sounded really scary!”

“Come now, Glow. It’s just a story.”

“No it’s not! Crackle said!” the young cub replied, the belief clearly not having left her. Realizing this, Chicory chose instead to play along.

“The Rockshaper certainly is scary,” Chicory said, playing along. “But there’s no reason for you to be afraid.” She sensed this was an opportunity to get the better of Crackle. “I’ll let you in on a secret: the Rockshaper only goes after red-headed storytellers, because it was a group of them that captured him and trapped him atop the mountain, so you have nothing to worry about.”

Glow’s face lit up with relief and she hugged her mother tightly across her midsection before letting go with a look of shock. “She must have forgot! I have to go warn her!”

Chicory laughed as the young cub scampered out. Let’s see Crackle top this one!

Collections that include this story:
And Whether Fish Have Noses
2012 Treasure Hunt
Daydreams of Death

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