The Stars Shine Cold   2511.04.03*  
Written By: Razzle C.
Honey's life is filled with joys and sorrows and many changes, but even the long life of an elf is a mere eyeblink under the night sky.
Posted: 04/10/13      [6 Comments]

A little babe wails, face scrunched red
Angrily beating her fists, to be fed
Such antics not needed, but how can she be told?
And above, the stars shine cold

A young maiden smiles, searching out love
Heart hot as flame and fragile as a dove
That love not returned, young heart aches when she's told
And above, the stars shine cold

Warm green eyes widen, meeting a rich brown pair
This love for her, too, only ends in despair
Tangled in feelings and thoughts too long not told
And above, the stars shine cold

A fisher gripped by fever, on her brow the sweat beads
Her loved ones know where this discussion leads
Wrapstuff's the only way, so her family is told
And above, the stars shine cold

Her slumber is over, the fisher once more free
But awakens to a world not as she expected to see
Things have changed, and she must be told
And above, the stars shine cold

A wolfrider moves closer, seeking to comfort her chief
The loss of his soulmate leaves him bereft in his grief
She sympathizes well, with no need to be told
And above, the stars shine cold

A huntress finds contact, now joining only for pleasure
Not so eager in painful wisdom to give up her heart's treasure
Finally coming to grips with what she's been told
And above, the stars shine cold

Then returning threat comes to her life's joys and sorrows
She must live for today, there may be few tomorrows
They are fiercer now even than tales long been told
And above, the stars shine cold

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