Moments in Rhyme   1690.10.07*  
Written By: Chris T.
Time transforms a pupil into a teacher.
Posted: 06/25/15      [7 Comments]

art by Megan

“Look way up there,” the cub’s mother whispers,
“There’s a leaf breaking free from its branch!”
“Can you say ‘leaf’?”
The cub smiles, “Leaf!”

He reaches out to catch the leaf
But it deftly evades his grasp
Winding a path down to the ground
Where it stays long after the pair has left

The ground hardens
Frosting all the way to the edge
Of a river that freezes solid
Waiting for the sun

With warm light water flows along the shore
and around an island of green
dried by the heat of long days
and disoriented by curious hands

“Look way down there,” the proud father whispers,
“There’s a frog peeking out of the grass!”
“Can you catch it?”
His son smiles, “Yes!”

art by Linda

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