Full Tribe: List of Names (by Generation)

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Bravestride (1st G.)

Clayshard (1st G.)

Crow (1st G.)

Cubmaker (1st G.)

Eagle-Eye (1st G.)

Feverease (1st G.)

Greenleaf (1st G.)

Knifemaker (1st G.)

Littlepaw (1st G.)

Moth (1st G.)

Raincaller (1st G.)

Redmane (1st G.)

Wolfsister (1st G.)

Ambergold (2nd G.)

Badger (2nd G.)

Barkmoss (2nd G.)

Beartooth (2nd G.)

Blackberry (2nd G.)

Burn (2nd G.)

Clawsharp (2nd G.)

Crest (2nd G.)

Dawn (2nd G.)

Deertracker (2nd G.)

Feather (2nd G.)

Firecat (2nd G.)

Fisher (2nd G.)

Flint (2nd G.)

Hornet (2nd G.)

Ivy (2nd G.)

Meadowlark (2nd G.)

Moondust (2nd G.)

Pinecone (2nd G.)

Quill (2nd G.)

Raft (2nd G.)

Raindrop (2nd G.)

Reedweaver (2nd G.)

Ripple (2nd G.)

Rosepetal (2nd G.)

Smoke (2nd G.)

Sparrow (2nd G.)

Squall (2nd G.)

Swan (2nd G.)

Sweetslip (2nd G.)

Tadpole (2nd G.)

Toss (2nd G.)

Blue Jay (3rd G.)

Burr (3rd G.)

Butterfly (3rd G.)

Carver (3rd G.)

Catnip (3rd G.)

Cloudchase (3rd G.)

Darkcurl (3rd G.)

Diamond (3rd G.)

Dusk (3rd G.)

Foxsly (3rd G.)

Growler (3rd G.)

Hailstone (3rd G.)

Harmony (3rd G.)

Herbfinder (3rd G.)

Huntwise (3rd G.)

Javelin (3rd G.)

Longdusk (3rd G.)

Lure (3rd G.)

Minx (3rd G.)

Oakhand (3rd G.)

Owl (3rd G.)

Piper (3rd G.)

Red (3rd G.)

Riversong (3rd G.)

Sentry (3rd G.)

Softlock (3rd G.)

Spearpoint (3rd G.)

Spider (3rd G.)

Stoneback (3rd G.)

Streak (3rd G.)

Tanner (3rd G.)

Thistle (3rd G.)

Vine (3rd G.)

Whitebraid (3rd G.)

Wren (3rd G.)

Agate (4th G.)

Autumntide (4th G.)

Beesting (4th G.)

Birch (4th G.)

Breeze (4th G.)

Cedarwing (4th G.)

Dagger (4th G.)

Dapple (4th G.)

Diver (4th G.)

Dove (4th G.)

Easysinger (4th G.)

Frost (4th G.)

Hawkcall (4th G.)

Hooksharp (4th G.)

Ice (4th G.)

Joy (4th G.)

Lacewing (4th G.)

Leather (4th G.)

Magpie (4th G.)

Melody (4th G.)

Reed (4th G.)

Shyheart (4th G.)

Skinner (4th G.)

Snaptwig (4th G.)

Songsent (4th G.)

Stormdancer (4th G.)

Strand (4th G.)

Summer (4th G.)

Tangle (4th G.)

Turtle (4th G.)

Whirlwind (4th G.)

Wolfmane (4th G.)

Bearheart (5th G.)

Birdcatcher (5th G.)

Blacksnake (5th G.)

Boar (5th G.)

Bramble (5th G.)

Brightwood (5th G.)

Chicory (5th G.)

Cider (5th G.)

Cloudfern (5th G.)

Doeskin (5th G.)

Dreamberry (5th G.)

Fadestar (5th G.)

[Farscout (5th G.)

Fletcher (5th G.)

Goldspice (5th G.)

Hope (5th G.)

Kestrel (5th G.)

Lynx (5th G.)

Moon (5th G.)

Nettle (5th G.)

Newt (5th G.)

One-Leg (5th G.)

Raven (5th G.)

Rhythm (5th G.)

Ringtail (5th G.)

Riskrunner (5th G.)

Seafoam (5th G.)

Starskimmer (5th G.)

Suddendusk (5th G.)

Sunlight (5th G.)

Tallow (5th G.)

Tossfur (5th G.)

True Edge (5th G.)

Windburn (5th G.)

Beetle (6th G.)

Bowflight (6th G.)

Finch (6th G.)

Flash (6th G.)

Greenweave (6th G.)

Honey (6th G.)

Moss (6th G.)

Nightstorm (6th G.)

Notch (6th G.)

Otter (6th G.)

Rainpace (6th G.)

Snowfall (6th G.)

Thornbow (6th G.)

Whispersilk (6th G.)

Windsong (6th G.)

Crackle (7th G.)

Dreamflight (7th G.)

Evervale (7th G.)

Foxtail (7th G.)

Longshot (7th G.)

Pathmark (7th G.)

Quick Fang (7th G.)

Whitestag (7th G.)

Willow (7th G.)

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