Return to Dramatis Personae -- Deceased Members of the Tribe. For detailed family-tree information, please visit the River Twine Holt Geneaology page.
Fifth Generation, (1273-1984) M, H=dark brown, E=blue. Son of Summer & Diver, brother of Seafoam and Dreamberry; Recognized of Doeskin, father of Rainpace. During a second year of drought, a forest fire overtook two hunting parties before they could reach safety; was killed along with five other elves (Dreamberry, Bearheart, Cider, Rhythm, & Birdcatcher). (art by Holly H.)
"Out on a Limb" - by Gills C. - 1664.07.22 - When his brother's life is in danger, Suddendusk only wants to help.
"Flesh & Blood" - by Joan M. - 1710.10.02 - Upon his brother Riskrunner’s death, everything changes for Windburn.
"Newborn Fears" - by Whitney W. - 1897.12.12 - Windburn faces fatherhood for the first time… and struggles to overcome his own inner demons.